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AIAG CQI-23 / CQI-27 / CQI-30 Implementation

Molding (Plastic) and Casting System Assessment

ID 01-108
Language English
Clock 2 days

TopQM Systems is one of the world's leading provider of training for AIAG CQI Special Processes. For over 10 years, we have been offering trainings, workshops and audits carried out by our CQI automotive experts. This unique 2-day seminar developed by TopQM Systems will help you to better understand and implement the “CQI-23 / CQI-27 / CQI-30 Implementation Molding (Plastic) and Casting System Assessment”. In this training, the process tables, assessment questionnaire and the technical requirements for the equipment are explained in a very comprehensive way. Group work is carried out and technical questions are discussed with the trainer. This new training is based on the experience of over 300 CQI assessments and over 600 CQI trainings and workshops TopQM had carried out. At the end of the seminar, you will receive a TopQM certificate “CQI-23 / CQI-27 / CQI-30 Implementation Molding (Plastic) and Casting System Assessment”, which has already been accepted in the automotive industry for many years.

Seminar contents

Day 1

-  Automotive Basic Information

  •     IATF / AIAG / CQI
  •     Automotive Core Tools

-  Special Processes
-  Group Exercise 1
-  Structure & Process Tables of CQI-23 and CQI-27 and CQI-30
-  Process Orientation and Turtle Model
-  Group Excercise 2
-  CQI-23 and CQI-27 Requirements
-  The Molding and Casting System Assessment Procedure
-  CQI-23 Questionaire Section 1 "Management Responsibility & Quality Planning"


Day 2

- CQI-23 Questionaire Section 2 "Floor & Material Handling"
- CQI-27 Main Questionaire included the process tables (without  the job audit)

- CQI-30 Rubber Processing System Assessment, Questionnair, Sections 1-3
-  Equipment / Facilities / Process Controls
-  The Cover Sheet and Assessment Evaluation
-  Process Tables Details
-  Job Audit
-  Assessor Qualifications
-  Group Exercise 3




Target group

All companies, departments and persons who deal with the AIAG CQI Special Processes requirements


No special prior knowledge is required.

Seminar documents

Paper Copy of TopQM-Systems seminar materials.


TopQM certificate “CQI-23 / CQI-27 Implementation Molding and Casting System Assessment”